20 Critical Controls & Security 101
De har börjat sin årliga CyberSecurity Awareness Month på SANS Internet Storm Center nu. Vanligtvis innebär det en osalig blandning av ämnen under en månads tid men i år kommer de att fokusera på vad de kallar The 20 Critical Controls. Dessa beskrivs i ett onödigt pratigt dokument vars senaste version (3.0) publicerades i april i år.
Jag gillar dock innehållet av den enkla anledningen att det ligger i linje med ordning, reda, disciplin och så vidare.
Det hör inte till medvetenhetsmånaden men den 3 oktober publicerade Tom Liston ett inlägg: Security 101: Security Basics in 140 characters or less som jag tycker är fantastisk. Han bad folk ge grundläggande säkerhetsråd via Twitter och samlade dem i bloggen. Mina favoriter:
@Keldr1n Know your network - and all devices in it - well enough to spot unusual activity.
@connellyuni It's more important to know what you don't know than it is to know what you do know.
@cutaway Monitor and alert to new accounts and accounts being added to Domain Administrator, SUDO, or root groups.
@cutaway Service accounts should adhere to corporate password policies and be monitored for modifications including lockout.
@tliston If you're not putting as much thought into your outbound firewall rules as you are for your inbound rules, you're doing it wrong.
@tliston If you've never tested restoring from your backups, then you don't have backups - you have a crapload of data and hope.
@tliston Run scans against your network. It's the only way to really know what's out there. I've yet to see a fully accurate network diagram.
@tliston Centralize your logging - you have no idea how helpful it will be.
@tliston If it plugs into your network, know why. The last thing you ever want to hear an admin say is, "That thing has a web interface?!?"
@tliston Shared accounts are never a good idea.
...men vinnaren är:
@cutaway Assets using secure authentication are directly and adversely impacted by your assets using plain text authentication.
Det ryms så mycket i den. Säkerheten i enskilda system ska inte betraktas i isolation. De höga lösenordskraven i extranet-systemet betyder ingenting om ett lösenord för inloggning ligger och skräpar i någons inbox i en fil på en borttappad dator eller på en webbmail med sårbarheter:
Stefan Pettersson
Jag gillar dock innehållet av den enkla anledningen att det ligger i linje med ordning, reda, disciplin och så vidare.
Det hör inte till medvetenhetsmånaden men den 3 oktober publicerade Tom Liston ett inlägg: Security 101: Security Basics in 140 characters or less som jag tycker är fantastisk. Han bad folk ge grundläggande säkerhetsråd via Twitter och samlade dem i bloggen. Mina favoriter:
@Keldr1n Know your network - and all devices in it - well enough to spot unusual activity.
@connellyuni It's more important to know what you don't know than it is to know what you do know.
@cutaway Monitor and alert to new accounts and accounts being added to Domain Administrator, SUDO, or root groups.
@cutaway Service accounts should adhere to corporate password policies and be monitored for modifications including lockout.
@tliston If you're not putting as much thought into your outbound firewall rules as you are for your inbound rules, you're doing it wrong.
@tliston If you've never tested restoring from your backups, then you don't have backups - you have a crapload of data and hope.
@tliston Run scans against your network. It's the only way to really know what's out there. I've yet to see a fully accurate network diagram.
@tliston Centralize your logging - you have no idea how helpful it will be.
@tliston If it plugs into your network, know why. The last thing you ever want to hear an admin say is, "That thing has a web interface?!?"
@tliston Shared accounts are never a good idea.
...men vinnaren är:
@cutaway Assets using secure authentication are directly and adversely impacted by your assets using plain text authentication.
Det ryms så mycket i den. Säkerheten i enskilda system ska inte betraktas i isolation. De höga lösenordskraven i extranet-systemet betyder ingenting om ett lösenord för inloggning ligger och skräpar i någons inbox i en fil på en borttappad dator eller på en webbmail med sårbarheter:
Dina osäkra system påverkar säkerheten i dina säkra system.
Stefan Pettersson